» Bulgaria/Bulharsko

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HD movies > Bulgaria


Scenes for this clip has been taken in summer 2012 during our holidays spent that time at the Sunny Beach Coast in Bulgaria, but yet now came time for script.

Videoclip has been composed from almost 160 flight minutes flown above sea resort of Nessebar.

It is located about 30km north-east from Burgas. The ancient part of the town, often referred to as the "Pearl of the Black Sea", is situated on a peninsula (previously an island) connected to the mainland by a narrow man-made isthmus and is a rich city-museum defined by more than three millennia of ever-changing history. The original Thracian settlement Menebria was called Mesembria by the Ancient Greeks. Under this name it was still known till the Middle Ages. Nessebar bears evidence of occupation by a variety of different civilisations over its existence. Nessebar is registered like city having the highest density of religious artefacts in the world. At the area of less than 1 square kilometer is located more than 40 churches, most of them are till now used for religious ceremonies. 
Nessebar - port

Its abundance of historic buildings prompted UNESCO to include Nessebar in its list of World Heritage Sites in 1983.

Relatively small and highly urbanised island offers just few opportunities for lift-off and landing of glider. I selected narrow grassland at the nothern coast of the island eastwards of ruins of church St. Mary Eleousa. After lift-off I walked passing the coastline to other parts of the island and later I went back to the suggested place for landing.

Neverending fresh wind appeared another complication for filming at the bulgarian coast. While silent and windless weather is offen at other locations at least till 8 o'clock in the morning, fresh and turbulent wind leaned there against the glider wings since early morning. Some days the wind was so strong, that it disabled start of glider at all. Another day, after risky lift-off, intensive wind surges attacked the model such strong way, it looped and overturned above the sea. One day just full motor power brought the model back to the mainland landing subsequently moving backwards.

Camcorder stabilisation could not fix such strong wind attacks, so stability of the scenes is not so perfect as seens in my other movies.


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Location of the clip